Monday, August 4, 2014

In My Shoes

I have always been the type to listen to different people's stories. I love helping out the and as much as I can, putting my self in their shoes, to gauge, at least, how it is to be in their situation. People tend to judge others basing on what their eyes can only see. I have been there once and I know the feeling and how degrading it is to hear such false judgments. 

EVERY PERSON HAS A STORY. And each of us have our own struggles and battles going on. So it is therefore rightful to pay respect to every person we meet. In the lowest of times of a person, the best thing we can offer is to listen, to understand and to respect- because we don't know exactly,  how it is to be in their shoes, or how hard the battles they are in. 

 dress- thrifted
sandals- Tutum
necklace- Simone's Closet

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