Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Completely Puzzled

I am not feeling okay in the past few weeks. I seriously cannot explain what's going on inside my mind and what exactly I feel. BUT one thing I know for sure is I have to move on. The world won't stop for me and  the rest of the people around me. Things won't wait for me until I get better, so I have to keep moving. 

Anyway, when times like these happen, my outfit also dictates what I feel for the day, hence this monochromatic outfit. But don't you just love how the necklace spiced-up my entire outfit? :) To those wondering, that necklace is actually light! It's not heavy so don't you worry bout wearing one. It may look hard to style, but I tell you, it's versatile more than you'll ever know! :)

I am off to bring Marise to school! :)

dress- thrifted
lace cover-up- thrifted
necklace- Simone's Closet
sandals- Solemate

1 comment:

  1. love your simple maxi dress and you look super sweet in this lace kimono!

    check out my latest all-white outfit!:)


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