Friday, November 16, 2012

Sweet Home Alabama

Among all of my outfit photos, this set is different. Just a while ago when I was resizing these photos, I have this certain surreal feeling about the composition, the background, the lighting and all. I just feel so ethereal/nature goddess/at home all at the same time. Gulo I know! But the bottomline is, I  feel at home with my background where these photos were taken. Where I am standing is actually at the backyard of an ancestral house turned to an art gallery, which is mostly known as the 10A ALABAMA house at Alabama St. New Manila. If I were you, go there and I swear you'll understand me haha! 

Anyway, this was my outfit last Saturday when I participated the recently concluded 10A Alabama Arts and Crafts Fair. I always feel at home whenever I am in here. The people, my co-crafters, are all warm and friendly. I just can't wait for the next art fair! :) 
I'll blog about the happenings on that day, next! :) 

black maxi dress- Cococabana
sandals- Solemate
cobweb necklace- Simone's Closet
braid bracelets- Simone's Closet

1 comment:

  1. I did notice the cozy, homey, nature-y background hehe! And I love your maxi dress! :)


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