Sunday, August 29, 2010


I guess I found a new friend this rainy and stormy new jelly flats. I just can't avoid but feel sad and depressed whenever I see my shoes all soaked-out and dirty because of the heavy rain and running water on streets. And just so I thought wearing jelly shoes would help me save my treasured shoes. I went to SM and bought a pair of jelly shoes and I found her my friend on this gloomy season. I was wearing her all throughout the week so I can stay fashionable without having worries of destroying my shoes. I am planning to get one more additional friend for this cold season.

How about you how do you stay fashionable on this rainy season?:)

Sequined top- Landmark Trinoma
Ripped Jeans- Divisoria
black blazer- c/o Bestie
accessories- Quiapo
jelly shoes- SM

1 comment:

  1. really like the ripped jeans..maybe one of these days, i'll try some ripping on one of my old jeans..hehe.

    if the rain is really hard, i find an excuse to wear my boots..:D

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥


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