Wednesday, January 2, 2013

When World Is Not Enough

What makes the word satisfaction valid? It's when someone feels satisfied about his life, his existence. This 2013 as I woke-up to a new day a new beginning a new year to set goals, I know  I am not yet satisfied with my life but that does not mean I am not happy. I am happy certainly, but when one starts to begin feeling satisfied it's like saying he's got all what he ever wanted. Happiness does not only root from satisfaction, but with little things coming to us that we know fill our hearts with emotions that make us smile out of nothing. 
this royal blue cobweb necklace just added life to my outfit 

At my age, 24, I am happy with my life for I know I am sharing it with the persons I love, but I still have more years to dig, to live, to experience before I can say I am satisfied. Being satisfied is not a one-day activity that when you sleep today, and wake-up the next day, everything's just sitting on their places and you're the happiest most satisfied person on earth. IT IS NOT. It's a work in progress and you need to experience everything til you're there. 
lovin' the cape! Do you love it too?! It covers my legs whenever I am wearing short skirts like this! 
don't you just love my new royal blue velvet shoes? :) I got one in black! yay!

Satisfied as defined by dictionary, is  a feeling of being convinced beyond any doubt. I guess no human will ever be satisfied with his life, until he reaches the kingdom of the Lord. The world we live in now are full of doubts. As long as we live, satisfaction won't ever be committed for we are humans seeking and discovering life- what it is really, and what it has for us today and in the future. 

It is because of the thirst for satisfaction that our world continues to rotate, to live, it's the reason why we work, why dream, why we live despite that we know satisfaction can only be achieved once we're with God. It's a part of the natural process of life. This 2013, I am having a new year to work with the things I want to achieve, another chance to get through a life satisfied, and happy. You too. :)

Sorry for this cheesy post I just felt the need to write this. haha I don't know why but it helps de-clogging my mind! Oh writer's block why does it always have to be this challenging before I kill you eh? :) 

dress as a top- thrifted
peplum skirt- Simone's Closet
cobweb necklace-Simone's Closet
flats- Leaveland

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