Sunday, May 20, 2012

SUNDAY MUSIC: Domino by Jessie J

So a lot has happened recently and I cannot express how happy I am for being blessed with so many good things! I can feel overflowing joy, thank God for all the blessings! :)Anyway if you're wondering what this photo is, well this is just one of the many photos I have with the recent shoot  I did with ze hubby! I will blog about it tomorrow so you'll see the whole set. The shoot went great and the place is so perfect!

As for the current song I am listening to, for this week, here's Jessie J with Domino. I just love how beach-ready/summer-y/hyper active this song is that no matter how stressed and tired I am, I still get to dance a bit haha! 

If you noticed too, on the right sidebar of my blog, you'll see that I currently have 100,000 plus views and I am so happy about it! It may not be as big as the other bloggers have, but I truly appreciate the support you have given me and to this blog.

And with this at hand, would you like another giveaway???YES?YES?! haha feel free to comment below!:)

1 comment:

  1. Great look Denise! So fierce!



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